Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Gamble that can PAY OFF

When you are getting your landscaping or lawn care started one way you can get some jobs is to tell the customer that you would like to work with in there budget and pay me what you think the job is worth. Yes it is true that this is a bit of a gamble because you may do a $100 dollar job for $20 but I done this to a client of mine was gonna charge $35 to remove some tree growth on the side of the house and she end up giving me $100. The advantages of doing this is you are almost guaranteed in getting the job and the majority of the customers and clients are good people and will pay you a fair amount of what the job is worth.You will also have a an idea in what to charge other jobs like the one you did for example if someone gave $150 to remove all the leaves from the house and another gave you $100 you will that jobs like these you will make around $100. I would to this all the time but if you encounter a new job like weeding a flower bed and you never done this kind of work before the doing the gambling (what you can afford) will be good for the first few flower bed jobs until you know what you can charge and what people are willing to pay. I hope this will help you in your business in getting more jobs or at least knowing what to charge. take care and God Bless

You can make money with a push mower.

Just a little extra work but if you have no job and can mow 3 or 4 yards that day that is about $100-$125 that day and if you can do this 3-5 days a weeks the money adds up.Just something to think about take care and God Bless

Friday, April 21, 2017

If you like to mow or landscape you will have plenty of work!!

weather you have your oun business or looking for a job if you are willing to work hard you will get jobs and if you just want to work for someone else theres a good chance you will be hired on the spot. good workers are hard to find many landscaper and lawn care companies hire forien help legal or else wise. many people just do not like to work hard long hours out in the heat and dealing with the harsh weather changes,stepping in dog crap or getting pricked by thorns when trimming rose bushes or other thorny plants. I am willing to put up with such things because there is money that can be made. I prefer being my own boss but if you just want to be an employee work is there for you too. some times you have to do what you need to do to put food on the table.just something to think about I will leave a link below something you should read about hiring people from other countries to do lawn care and landscaping take care and God Bless  

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Been Real Busy

Lawn care and landscaping is in full swing so it may be a little bit between posts but I will post when I can I hope this will help the new person just starting out and to give people looking for a job new incentives to make money while looking for a job I wish everybody the very best take care and God Bless

Saturday, April 15, 2017

BooKoo is an Ideal website to Check out!

Bookoo is a website for local yard sales and events.If you are in the lawn care or landscaping this website is a great souse of revenue if you need used equipment you will see that many people are selling lawnmowers riders,zero turns weed whackers and more you can get yard tools pretty cheap. Bookoo is in your local area where you live so you do not have to travel too far if you strike a deal with someone.

Bookoo is also great for getting small jobs. people often post ads because they are looking for someone that can do a yard clean up or looking for someone to cut the grass,hauling brush or a pick up truck of garbage to be hauled to the dump. I did some work for someone needing leaves picked up around the stables where they keep the horses. If you go to there help wanted of job section you might find some part time work.

If you are a business you can post an ad advertising in what you do the prices are reasonable well these are some suggestions for people just starting out and does not have a lot of money to spend. I hope this helps you out I will leave bookoos link down below take care and God Bless

BooKoo fort wood

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Having a busy year so far.....

Lawn care and Landscaping is booming even for the little guys like us and the season is only just beginning......

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Lawn Care is in full Swing :-)

Here are some of the lawns I did this week if you are interested in starting your business this is the perfect time to start. 8 months left time to make some $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Friday, April 7, 2017

Get a bunch of different jobs big or small when you are first starting out

When you are first starting out it is important to get a number of different kinds of jobs like mowing jobs,cleaning out flower beds,small tree trimming jobs,leaf clean ups and if you have a truck you can haul some limbs and branches and if a client has some garbage you can take it to the dump for a fee. I normally charge around $30-$40 to haul it to the dump for them where I live the dump charges around a $10 fee for a truck load.

To most people and large businesses the do not want to deal with small residential jobs because they are running big equipment and the are doing jobs worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars but there are many people out there older people,single woman or people who work many hours a day and when they come home they ether do not have the time or are too tired to moe the kawn or clean leaves or deal with broken limbs so they call on you to take care or it.

You may say or thing $20,$30 or $40 jobs are nothing and you make so little money but think about it if you can make around $30 a day take weekends off  that is an extra $600 a month in 1 year you will make around $7,200 not bad for little jobs I can do 1-3 a day.

Even if you get big one day you can still do the smaller residential jobs they are great filler between the big jobs and they will always be around just something to think about I wish you all the best in your business ventures take care and God Bless here are some links that can help you

start your own landscaping and lawn care business
landscaping/lawncare business

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Affordable Lawn Care set up with NEW Equipment for those first starting out!

This picture I mowed 3 yards already with this mower and it was raining .If you are just getting started in lawn care and you do not want to get used equipment from my experience, buy Bolens brands. I use Bolens mowers and weed whackers for about 2 years The Bolens mower I had last year I mowed over 100 yards one after another non stop I was very impressed because there were cheaper mowers and they are not ment for commercial use. The new ones I got now I had the mower and weed whacker in the back of the truck and it stormed all night the next day I used them to mow a yard they started right up.I hight recommend buying Bolens mowers and weed whackers.A new mower with the large wheels in back cost around $170 weed whacker is about $65 or $70 and a blower hand held cast $70-$80 dollars so you can spend from $300 - $325 for a basic Bolens set up .

My advice to you is you want to get some hand tools like pruners, a rake hand saws and other small tools go to dollar general they sell them pretty cheap around $6 dollars that is how much I payed for I got a portable rake and some pruners.they work pretty good for the price you pay.

There you have it you can buy new at an affordable price and still make some money I hope this will help you take care and God Bless.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Finished The Flower Beds

On this job the client wanted me to removed all the weeds so he can plant some new flowers.

Doing some Tree Trimming!

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Doing some tree trimming for this lady near where I live Not to bad of a job.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

2 MORE Lead generating companies

During the last couple of days I been talking to a representative from craft jack. They are very similar to Home Advisor but they are a smaller company there price for there lawn care and landscaping leads are around $20.00 and the once for bugger projects such as roofing and decks will be more. when you dealing with these kind of companies, be careful pay attention on how much you are spending. If you get 5 or 6 leads that you did not get this could be 4 or 5 hundred dollars that you owe. companies like these have it so you can call them and have your leads turned off for a couple of weeks or more.This will allow you time to pay what you owe them. I plan to deal with craft jack in the future getting the lawn care and landscaping leads.

Another company is porch.This company mainly deals with bigger projects such as carpentry,roofing,pluming,concrete jobs,and other home improvement jobs. What I like about then is whey e-mail you the potential lead and the tell you the price and you decide if you want the lead or if it is the type of job you do and if its something you can afford. If if you do bigger projects or do some home improvements with your lawn care then it wouldn't hurt to try out porch.

Lead generating companies are good to sigh up for even if you do the cheaper leads they are all over the internet this can get your name out there and what ever you spent with them will come off of your taxes as advertising here are the links for the 2 companies that I mentioned take care and God Bless.

craft jack